24.03.2008 Uncategorized No Comments

Site Super Tracker

We’ve just upgraded from ASTracker to Site Super Tracker. Both are products of Related-Pages. SST is an upgrade to the earlier product.

ASTracker only supported AdSense content units. SST supports all of the following ad formats:

  • AdSense
  • AdLinks
  • AdSense Search
  • AdSense Referrals
  • Yahoo Publisher Network
  • PeelAwayAds
  • AuctionAds

SST is designed specifically for ad tracking. It enhances, rather than competes with, tools like AWStats.

The AdSense portal limits you to 200 channels. SST dynamically creates URL channels and there is no known upper limit to the number of channels it can support.

Google Analytics can be enhanced to track AdSense clicks, but Analytics comes with three serious issues. The first is that Analytics sends all of your valuable business data to Google. The second is that, on a busy web site, Analytics can use up a lot of network bandwidth.  The last, and most important, is that this can slow down page loads and annoy your site visitors.

SST gives you data on every click, including page, keywords, referer, time, and IP address. The page and keyword reports are most valuable to me. They show me what pages convert best and what keywords are driving profitable traffic.

The current cost of SST is $67. For a serious web publisher, it shouldn’t take a long time to generate a positive RoI on that investment.

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